Smart Clinic Management Software (S-Clinic) is a miniaturized version of HIMS software with full effective management functions, helping Doctors to prescribe medicine easily and quickly. quickly with just a few mouse clicks or using the keyboard.

  • New Patient Registration
  • Review Old Record
  • Next-of-Kin Details
  • Bar Code / ID Card Generation
  • Associations – Persons
  • Rast Medical History
  • Past Clinical History
  • Allergies & Habits
  • Risk Factors
  • Personal, Family & Social History (PFSH)
  • Doctor Appointments
  • Visit Booking
  • Investigation Billing
  • Radiology Scheduling
  • Procedure Scheduling
  • Credit Notes
  • Cash Collection
  • Refunds
  • Encounter’s View
  • Clinical Notes
  • Plan
  • Followup Plan (Re Visit Booking)
  • Case Sheet Management
  • Specialty Templates (HIV Maternity, Oncology)
  • Diagnostic Reports View
  • Lab Result View
  • Specific Interface or Template for all the Clinics
  • Radiology Investigation Request
  • Laboratory Investigation Request
  • ADT Request
  • Procedure Request
  • OT Request
  • Pharmacy Request
  • Nursing Request
  • Theater Booking
  • Image and Video Integration
  • Outpatient Billing
  • Inpatient Billing
  • Package Billing
  • Corporate Based Pricing
  • Corporate Billing
  • Insurance Billing
  • Credit Notes
  • Debit Notes
  • Social Worker Discounts
  • Hospital Bearing Amounts
  • Patient Folio Management
  • Corporate Settlements
  • Advances
  • Refunds
  • Settlement Receipts
  • Settlement Refunds
  • Requisition
  • Enquiry
  • Quotation
  • Comparative statement
  • Vendor Finalization
  • Purchase Order
  • Annual Rate Contracts
  • Goods Receipt Note (GRN)
  • Supplier Returns
  • Patient Indents for Drugs
  • Patient Issues (IP Issues)
  • Inpatient Return Indents
  • Inpatient Returns
  • Department Indents
  • Department Issues
  • Department Return Indents
  • Department Returns
  • Stock Transfer Indents
  • Store Transfers
  • Transfer Acknowledgments
  • Stock Taking Programs
  • Outpatient Sales
  • Outpatient Sales Returns
  • Drug Issues to Public Patients
  • Drug Returns from Public Patients
  • Vendor Management
  • ECG Reports
  • ECG’s (Scanned or Digitally Stored)
  • Echocardiogram Reports (Pediatric and Adult)
  • Echocardiogram Digital Loops (Direct from the Ultrasound Machine into the System)
  • Cardiac Catheterization Reports and Calculations
  • Cardiac Angiographic Images Operation Reports
  • Drug Dosage Guidelines for ICU
  • Patient’s Demographic
  • Medication History
  • Previous Episodes History
  • Past Surgical History
  • Family History
  • Social History
  • Allergies
  • Rast and Current Medication
  • Provisional & Final Diagnosis
  • Treatment Plan
  • Clinician Notes
  • Nursing Notes
  • Laboratory Reports
  • PACS Integration
  • Radiology Reports
  • Disease Coding (ICD 10)
  • Finance & HRMS e.g. SAP IFS
  • LIS & RIS Systems
  • TPAs
  • Drug Database

Recommended system requirements:

CPUCPU E5-2696 v4: 16 vCPU
StorageSSD: 500 GB
OSWindows Server 64-bit / Ubuntu Server.
NETBroadband Internet connection


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